This is a public database of volunteers' genomes and self-described skills as a resource for future generations of human researchers and AI. This is an archive for people who are proud of their genomes and who want to leave a detailed and permanent footprint in the history of mankind.

People listed on this page are only examples (sorted by age). There are more records in the archive. The personal pages list skills provided by the owners of the genome. The selected mutations (pLoF or clinvar) are listed using Hg38 as reference. Full variant (vcf) files are available upon request. Please contact as at if You want to give your skills a legacy that benefits everyone.

Jarosław Dastych
Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz
Leszek Rychlewski
Marcin Hoffmann
Krzysztof Piech
Jędrzej Sadowski
Joanna Czechowska
Krzysztof Bochenek
powered by BioInfoBank Institute and AfterLife Fund